Wednesday, March 14, 2018


A woman, interviewed by an NBC reporter, said of Conor Lamb, “He is every mother’s dream.”

Yesterday, the voters of Pennsylvania’s 18th congressional district, which voted for Trump by 20 percentage points, got the opportunity to vote for him again.

Republican, Rick Saccone, had advertised himself as being “Trump before Trump was Trump.” The voters could not have been presented with a more clear-cut choice.

They could cast a vote for every mother’s dream or they could cast a vote for Rosemary’s baby.

So, while we are still living our own Nightmare on Elm Street, our first new hero has arrived on the scene to save the day. There will be others. They were carefully selected, or at least blessed, by party leaders, not because they fit a national profile, but because they fit the citizens of their districts. A lot of them, men and women, have military backgrounds, some with combat experience. Not an easy task to brand them as soft-on-crime, soft-on-defense, Nancy Pelosi Liberals.

On election eve, Rick Saccone, fearing a loss, said the Democratic Party was being energized by “hatred for our country, God, and our president.”

Here are some of the anti-American, God-hating qualities exhibited by Conor Lamb and soon to be inflicted on the nation by some of the mid-term candidates:

(You might try saying each word aloud, while conjuring an image of Donald Trump.)


For sure, not every Democratic candidate will be every mother’s dream. Good, because that might be rather boring. I think that most of them will be decent human beings. Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Progressive, Moderate, Conservative, I believe they will help set a new tone.

Now, with another deep red district turning blue, we can wait for more incumbent Republicans to announce their decisions not to run for re-election. They of course have decided to spend more time with their families. Their decisions will have nothing to do with the writing on the wall – not to be confused with Trump’s wall with Mexico.

My two-minute buzzer just went off.

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