Sunday, October 6, 2019


It is wrong to enjoy the suffering of others. I admit that.

But I, for one, feel comfortable making the occasional exception and I hope you do too. The Destroyer of American Democracy and his sidekicks, who have intentionally darkened our days for the past three years are currently in full panic mode and if you don’t admit to finding that satisfying, you are failing our central mission of surviving Trump.

You can tell me all you want that you have no interest in seeing Barr, Pence, Pompeo, and Giuliani in orange jumpsuits, but I will not believe you. “Ukrainegate” is glowing on Trump’s henchmen like the red dye that explodes in the money bag when the bank robbers are making their getaway.

Have you caught any of their stuttering, contradictory, self-incriminating attempts to explain themselves? It can be hard keeping a story straight when their boss keeps changing the story. Comical! Just comical!

We were warned by pundits from both parties that impeachment by the Democratic House would result in four more years of Donald Trump. We were told that impeachment would play into Trump’s hands, casting him as the underdog, being persecuted by the angry, radical left.

Impeachment would solidify the Trump base and alienate independent voters. Democrats, intent on winning the White House, keeping the House of Representatives, and possibly taking the Senate, had no real alternative than to be patient and work strategically to win in 2020.

This conventional wisdom was so two-weeks ago!

Madam Speaker had ordered her troops to hold their fire until she gave the order. For that, she was attacked from inside her ranks as being cowardly, or incompetent, or corrupt. But she knew what they did not. She knew that getting too far ahead of public opinion would end in certain failure.

And now, thanks to the frighteningly unhinged, unpresidential behavior (yes, even more unhinged and more unpresidential than we were used to) of Donald Trump, public opinion has gone from a murmur to a scream faster than Republicans learned how to spell Benghazi.

Prior to Madam Speaker’s announcement that made the impeachment inquiry (not actual impeachment) official, only 40% of the American public were for the impeachment inquiry, while 51% were opposed.

After she made it official, 51% voiced their support for an impeachment inquiry, while 44% opposed. 

Less than two weeks ago, 37% supported actual impeachment and removal from office, while 57% were opposed.

But the latest numbers tell a stunningly different story. Right now, 46% support actual impeachment and removal from office, while 45% oppose.

Have you spotted the trend?

Next week will bring more whistleblower news, more releases of phone and text message conversations, more subpoenas, more witness testimonies, more venomous tweets, more proof of crimes and coverups, and of course more attacks on the Constitution by the President of the United States, and by his deranged personal attorney, his corrupt attorney general, his spineless secretary of state, and his lying vice president.

And what will next week’s poll numbers tell us about the growing popularity of impeachment? I think they will tell us that the Trump Show’s ratings are plummeting fast.

He will suffer the indignity of impeachment by the House, forever branding his presidency, inflicting merciless suffering on his fragile ego until his final days on earth.

We can’t bet that, regardless of the damning evidence that surfaces, Senate Republicans will come out of hiding and do the right thing, but believe me they too will glow with the red dye of complicity long after the Trump Show is cancelled on November 3, 2020.

I will enjoy watching their clumsy, futile grabbing for redemption.  

Bruce Coltin
Surviving Trump Two Minutes at a Time


  1. in somewhere over the hell now is the new Trump resort..!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
