Sunday, July 21, 2019


Where have you gone Barack Obama?
A nation turns its fearful eyes to you, woo, woo, woo.

During his acceptance speech in 2008, Barack Obama reached out to the supporters of John McCain, and said this: "I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president, too."

Oh, those were the days!

Barack Obama will not be the Democratic nominee in 2020, and I don’t know who will be, but until he or she pulls the sword from the stone, we have Madam Speaker. And, she is on a mission.

As the interim leader of the Democratic Party, she has chosen to go for the gold, which happens to be winning back the White House and the Senate and increasing her majority in the House. If played correctly, this is within reach. She can taste it, and more importantly, she knows how to do it.

Madam Speaker knew from the beginning that she would be fighting a holy war, and to win, she would need a clear and simple strategy. Thankfully, the uncensored, unchecked Donald Trump has ramped up his spouting of clear and simple fear mongering.

You have to admit that (unless you become too nauseated to watch) there is nothing like viewing a few highlights from a Trump rally to bang home the reality that you can fill a stadium with humans, while keeping it empty of humanity.

I want more Trump rallies. Seriously, I do.

I want their exquisite ugliness displayed, recorded, and weaponized so that every Democrat on the 2020 ballot, from top to bottom, from presidential nominee to  mayoral candidate, can say to their opponent: If you have not condemned Trump, then this collection of rabid “Lock her up! Send her home” lowlifes is your vision of America.

In 2016,138 million of us voted. But the story of the 2016 presidential election is about those who chose to stay home. Every voter group underperformed, except for one – the mostly white, mostly male, mostly older, and completely angry segment of society that gave us Trump and his Charlottesville regime.

But it was not millions or even hundreds of thousands of stay-at-homers that tipped the election to Trump. It was a mere 77,000 votes in three states – Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin - that Hillary and most political pundits believed were solidly in the Clinton column.

Collectively, less than 1% of voters in these three states handed Donald Trump 46 Electoral College votes, giving him 306 Electoral College votes to Clinton’s 232. Had those 46 votes gone to Clinton, she would have won the electoral college 278 to 260.

So how do Democrats recapture those 46 Electoral College votes needed to flip and then fumigate the White House? First by nominating a candidate who resonates with black voters in Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee and with white college educated women in the neighboring suburbs.

When that Democratic candidate finally emerges from the pack, she or he will be selling America-for-all, while Donald Trump will continue selling fear, hatred, and lies with every ounce of his being. 

Fortunately for all of us, the Democrat will not be venturing into the battlground states alone.

Barack Obama, the greatest campaigner of the modern age, and the man living inside Donald Trump’s deteriorating brain will reintroduce himself to the American public.

We will see him and hear him when the time is right and where it matters most, and he will implore every single one of us, with that familiar combination of power and elegance, to:

Make America
America Again!

In the meantime, my fellow Trump survivors, do not panic! The noise will continue and will grow even louder and more menacing. And as it does, Madam Speaker will quietly and firmly remind her army: Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!

Bruce Coltin
Surviving Trump Two Minutes at a Time

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